Tuesday, March 18, 2008

IFAN 2008

With the alumni meet close, some activity, (at least on the blog) has been visible. It’s obviously a welcome thing. Not, that I am criticizing non-activity for the rest of the year, because, if I would point a finger, rest four fingers would be pointed at me, I am a culprit too.
However, in good trust, we all know how busy we all have been in doing whatever we have been up to. And there is absolutely no reason to feel guilty for have not been able to do something visible and concrete that would enable us another getaway in mumbai.
Not to offend anyone, but the writing is on the wall. Almost everyone suggests that the alumni association should do some activity. Well my point is, activity in any alumni association is limited to annual dinner at poolside, which we are doing anyway. It gives us an opportunity to meet friends old and new. Make them aware of your happenings in the past days and get acquainted with theirs. Which we are doing pretty well. At the most what needs to be done, is to streamline the same process, so that members can communicate more effectively, yield results and make the rest of the members aware of their plans and problems. It would be a platform to discuss individual achievements, goals and to seek assistance.
All these points are the ones that we had agreed on, at the last meet. And the association had taken a correct direction. But the communication gap of last one year has perhaps laid some dust on our memories added by the guilt of the same. We have started getting enthusiastic about doing some activity. The moment we start to do that, we will have clashes of interests. (Two liberals have three views). We will lose friends.
This year we should concentrate on the logistical part, of how to make this helpful for each of us, doing what we are good at, individually. Maybe, find a way of not being a burden on FNF financially. Maybe changing geography for each meet. Maybe awarding an individual from within or outside the association.
These are my individual views.

Rajesh Singh


Ashraf Ahmed Shaikh said...

Dear Rajesh,

Thanks for your comments. Infact you have shared what exactly I am feeling and this is what keep me worried about future.

We need activities thats for sure . I can we should discuss seriously all these which you raise in our meeting in Mumbai.

Ashraf Ahmed Shaikh
National Coordinator

IFAN said...

no no no, ashraf, you get me wrong, i am on the contrary very happy that, no activity has occurred thru IFAN, as the net work is not supposed to do any. it is the individual members and their respective organisations that are supposed to do the activities. we are only supposed to facilitate.

IFAN said...

no no no, ashraf, you get me wrong, i am on the contraray very happy that, no activity has occured thru IFAN, as the net work is not suposed to do any. it is the individual members and their respective organisations that are supposed to do the activitities. we are only supposed to fascilitate.

IFAN said...

no no no, ashraf, you get me wrong, i am on the contraray very happy that, no activity has occured thru IFAN, as the net work is not suposed to do any. it is the individual members and their respective organisations that are supposed to do the activitities. we are only supposed to fascilitate.